
Showing posts from March, 2013

Lean Startup #2 - Validated Learning

Lean Startup #1 - Entrepreneurs Are Not in Garage

Brilliant Stealer #4 - The Gap

Brilliant Stealer #3 - Kill a Dragon

Start Small. Start Now. Start Cheap & Share

Original Ordinary Feelings in Vietnam

Christan Alvarez - He Was Disappointed in Me

Explore. Dream. Discover

Why Write? Why Be Hungry to Live?

Rewrite. Focus and Intensity


The Perseverant RISK

Trust + Engagement = Customer Experience

Post Collection - Past vs Present

Embrace and Drive Change

Redefine the Hard Work

Post Collection - Studying entrepreneurship without doing it

"What does matter?" is transforming - Summly matters

Be Adventurous, Creative and Open-Minded

1% better


Pipeline – Building People

Brilliant Stealer #2 - Everyone is Lonely

Brilliant Stealer #1 - Teaching is Marketing