Ten Things Make Me Love (and Proud) Being The ONLY (Noticable or maybe Attractive) Vietnamese Guy in the Entrepreneur Society Club

1. I can practice my pronunciation on some touchy words like “beach” and “b**ch” without complaining. You will never know how much fun a set of practice pronunciation from a Vietnamese guy can bring on the table.

2. I can tell about my country, Vietnam and my home town, Da Lat a million times and people just drop their jaws and they always wish to be in Vietnam one day.

3. I can pretend or (actually) to be FOBBY as much as I want and people don’t give a dam thinking (Hum, maybe sometimes they do, but that is just who I am, be myself :D)

4. I can make them drool by saying how a great bow of Pho should be and how delicious authentic Vietnamese food is.

5. SAMETHING...Vietnamese food...I can SCARE them and make them think I am kind of GANGSTER when I am talking about…Something…such as sucking duck blood, grinding balut, or….You know what…enjoy DOG MEAT!

6. Of course, I can make them roll their eyes when we do tabling and I go straight from “How are you?” to “Hôm nay em chưa đánh răng phải ko?” and they don’t have a clue why my girl-friends just give a big SLAP on my back.

7. I make them laugh when I try to act BLACK and have some SWAGS (actually, I still don’t know what it is, but for me, it means COOL in a BLACK way).

8. I make them study my long name Nghiêm Bá Khánh Trình and it cannot feel better for my BIG EGO that my name is repeated again and again and I keep telling them, “No…Noo…Noo...nooo…. Nghiêm Bá Khánh Trình, not Nghem Be Han Tren” and for their names, I can pronounce in the corect way or close to 99 percent).

9. People notice (maybe attract) to me somehow, I can feel it and I still don’t know why. Hopefully, it is not about the fish sauce that sometime I enjoy so much.

10. I feel happy that by anyhow or any chance I have represented Vietnamese people in a group of friends in a good way (and a bad way -> I am not perfect, but I will learn to make more “goods” and less “bads)

LOL -> Me
LOL -> You or … (let me know)


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