The Sense of Urgency

Lacking urgency is a bad habit. Have you ever been in a situation that you need to do your paper before a week of the deadline because your friends and you have decided to go to a concert and you haven't done it yet?

In the book Leading Change, John Kotter said, "70 percent of the situations where substantial changes were clearly needed, either they were not fully launched, or the change efforts failed, or changes were achieved but over budget, late, and with great frustration." However, there are also some outliers. "We also found that 10 percent of the case, people achieved more than would have been thought possible."

What stops the urgency? The first enemy is complacency. We have a tendency to be lazy to change and be comfort for the certainty. Who wants a master change in your life? Most people say no because if you want to change, you will automatically embrace the uncertainty and that certainty makes you uncomfortable.

What will you do if you have a six-figure-income job? Will you abandon it to start a business and become an entrepreneur without salary and title?
What will you do if you have to give up the noise of all negative people around you? And live by yourself without any friend to preserve your own inner voice.
What will you do if you see your love is getting no where? And you suffer more pain than love, but you feel you cannot live without him or her?

We resist to change. We are late to change. We are scared to change. We settle with complacency.

Complacency is also a result of success. We enjoy and stay at the top for so long and we forget the urgency to change to become better. The success easily can blind the urgency and resting for so long can damage the speed of urgency.

Why need to change while you are successful? Noooo. You are successful already.
Why you have to work more efficiently? Nooooo. You are successful already.
Why need to be hurry now when you have a title of Mr. Success?

Procrastination is the enemy of any plan and dream, even life. How can you lived in full without checking off things that you want to do in your life? Believe me! When you write down what you want to do in your life and the moment that you can cross it off your list, you will grow a little bit more. Feeling ALIVE!

Tomorrow is a desperate word for people who loves the Snooze button so much. Those have strong desires, they always have a good sense of urgency to catch every moment of their lives.

Ok....That's it!

I need to go sleep now or tomorrow I will miss my urgency.

PS: Some link, pic, and video that I collected during writing this post.


A video illustrating how the peer pressure lows the sense of urgency. People are always waiting for change by somebody.

A great story to illustrate the urgency to change

A video from the Urgency guy, John Kotter


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