Marketing Lessons From Entrepreneur Society Club #1 - The Team
What am I writing?
I am writing this blog mainly to document some lessons and experiences that I have learned during the time I worked with my ES marketing team to change the brand and the marketing of the club. The team included:
Sky Pham - My friend who has been contributing a lot of time and effort to rebrand and remarketing the whole club.
Jason Khoo - My friend who has been a great advisor behind our execution, as well as, a diligent president who have not only puts trust, but also even counter risks with us.
Me - Thomas Nghiem - Who is the connector and idea generator.
Why do I write this?
It is relevant and useful for my club, my philosophy, and my school.
First, I want to share these lessons to all VP Marketing in ES who will be doing this years after years when I am out there working to build my life. This club is a amazing place that I find one milestone in my life: I want to become an entrepreneur. This is not a career choice, but a lifestyle when you dare to change things in your life. We, human, is a product of the environment around us, but don't blame that for the reason that you have to be stagnated and vulnerable. We, human, is also a changing agent that can make things around us better, revolutionize what people are thinking, and delighting the world. We can create values for this life. We are not only a part of history, but we can make history!
Second, intellectual works and experiences are useless without sharing. I want to share those lessons to prospective students who step up for their organizations (orgs) to make their orgs be more relevant, more connected, look better, and even...smell better.
Third, it is a way to give back to my school. I hope it can illustrate something that I learn during my education in CSU Fullerton. Don't wait to give back, there is always a value that you can contribute to any cause or any body that you want to help.
This it is! I am ready to share with you the marketing adventure that Entrepreneur Society has been going through.
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The team is an important factor to start doing anything BIG. I believe a movement is first an idea of a person, but carrying it out requires a group of people who has ultimate passion and belief in it. Passionate people don't wait to change, but embrace the uncertainty to go forward. Three of us believe in the mission of the club and have the drive to make the club valuable for students. I have been faithful with the club for many semester and understand the club in and out. Sky is a new changing agent that always deliver great effort and time in the club. Jason has the vision and the broad network with BICC and other business clubs. Together, we had the A team to change Entrepreneur Society.
How is the team constructed?
Team must be constructed by trust, commitment, and teamwork to function well.
Trust is the part that I am still learning now. What is a good definition of trust? My definition is the degree that you can take risks on the other people. I think the best way to do that is not guessing and judging, but working with people. It is like a dance that you need to feel the music, the context, understand your partners, and also actually dance (work). Trust goes along with working, sharing, and sacrificing. It never can be a word that you can say, but you have to earn it. Transparent open communication is also another thing that I can say. Life will go up and down and something wrong will happen, but the sooner you open the conversation, the better you can save any relationship.
When you have commitment to do something hard with other people, you will feel great and trust people more. Each person in the team needs to show their passion by their hard works and real results. No commitment, no hard work, no relationship, and of course no trust.
Teamwork must be complement. I love soccer and the first reason makes a great team is filling the team with great players and they need to complement each other. A striker is scoring the goal, a moderator is passing the ball and looking for the open space, a defender (or goal keeper) is protecting the goal and don't let anything wrong happen. We have everything. Sky is the hungry striker who are fearless to execute and make goals happened. I am the idea guy and the connector. Jason is one dam good analytical thinker who understand the landmark of business school. Together, we can play in champion league :D
Teamwork must WORK. There are some good teamwork but they cannot work. One factor is creating the momentum. There is a plan must not be delayed, there is always a task must be executed. We need to keep the ball rolling always. Top of that, teamwork must not be working, but WORKING TOGETHER. I mean the basic is we need to talk regularly and set up a set of communication how to communicate effectively. It can be weekly meeting, a Facebook group, or a Google doc...We must talk if we want to work together and remember NEVER let the communication go down hill that is the deadly hole for any family, any organization, any relationship, ... even yourself (a bit exaggerate, but for me it is true). Our team has communicated consistently, excessively, even aggressively sometime. When people are truly working, you will see there would be (healthy) conflicts. Why? Because it MATTERS for them.
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