Use Internet VS. Consume Internet

Do we use Internet or we are BEING CONSUMED by Internet?

I feel frustrated with the way I use Internet right now: Checking email many times a day, just to see a lot of spam (I need to clean it up). Checking Facebook ton of times just to see random notification. The lesson I learned is every click I made, my mind will be consumed more by Internet. I didn't create any value from that. I am actually wasting my time now and time is so valuable, even it is a second. I learn operation and what I see here is I have a lot of overhead in my Internet time.

Facebook eats up my time
YouTube eats up my time
Checking emails eats up my time.

For what? For the most ridiculous reason: I gain nothing, except I let my brain in the idle mood. People, we need to stop this madness.

How can we change?

I will begin today to set up some mechanism to control the way I use Internet and not let it consume my time anymore:

  1. Setting the time alarm that I will log in my Facebook account from 7:00-8:00pm.
  2. I will check email twice a day. The first time at 10:00 am and the second time at 9:00pm.
  3. I will use Internet to create more values or do something much more meaningful, such as writing blog, doing Vlog, etc...
  4. Youtube is just for music relaxing, not checking random things.
  5. Only use Internet with purposes.
  6. I will begin learning Videography. (not related, but it is just something I am just lagging on.)
Do you have the same problem? Give me some advices to resolve this time-wasting issue.


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