Advertising Series #8 - Motion

Anything moves: Motion in physics and motion in psychology, both attract attention. A picture is hard to capture the whole process of motion, mostly it can only captures one moment of the motion. However you can demonstrate the motion through following methods:

Use a chain of images, each image catches different moments of the motion.

A cool concept ad from Audi. It catches different moments of a golf ball and creates the motion of Audi car conceptually.

Wrangler Jeans. Look at this guy...He becomes more gangster after wearing Wrangle Jeans. LOL. Somehow, I find out the have a great slogan is: "We Are Animal" . 
So true for this picture. "We Are B..i...r...d...s..." :D

Blur a part of the image to display the motion of the object or the camera. You can blur the background and highlight, as well as, close up the front or do vice verse, etc...

Watch this one, you see the picture behind the car get blurred. That's how we can see the Lexus is running in a picture.

How about this one. Audi ad

Snap only one picture at the most important moment of the motion and let audience use their imagination to feel the tension or emotion of that moment and basically the audience "draw" their own motions in their heads

This is one AWESOME ad, you don't see the Audi, but you can tell how insanely fast it is. LOL. What a GENIUS ad! 

This is an Audi becomes a jet ski. Bravo for this creativity. A brilliant Ad twist the mind of people, as well as, twist their heads. GENIUS!


One note is psychologically humans attracts to something is on motion. Our eyes, unintentionally being attracted to action, is like a night butterfly gets attraction to the moon light at night.

(All credits going to author Dupont, 1001 Advertising Tips, Ideas and Strategies from The World's Greatest Campaigns, I just help to translate and demonstrate more with pictures).


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